Monday, December 31, 2012
Christmas ~ 2012
Ahhh...Christmas FINALLY came! I don't know who was more excited this or the kiddos! We have all been looking forward to the big day for what seems like forever! I think that we all really needed a day to really relax and have fun because we had all been crazy sick for the two weeks leading up to Christmas! It started with Noah, who passed it to me {I don't remember being as sick as I was...I was down in bed for five days straight! Not fun at all!!}, then I passed it to Leah, Isaac, and Kate! So, ya, we were pretty miserable at our house and needed some sort of boost...and Christmas was just what we needed :).
The kiddos actually slept in until 8:30, which was wonderful! When they came upstairs and saw this, they started to freak out!
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Leah's Preschool Christmas Program
Leah had her Christmas Program the week before Christmas, and it was seriously so adorable! I live for performances like this! I was grinning from ear to ear the entire time watching our little performer sing to her hearts content! Noah's not a huge fan of performing, but Leah LOVES it! She knew every word and every action to every song. I was very impressed, and not at all surprised, seeing that she has been singing these songs non-stop for the past month! Leah's preschool teacher is absolutely amazing and I'm just so happy with all the work that she puts in to create these wonderful performances for our enjoyment. It was definitely a good night :). Plus she looked SO pretty in her little Christmas dress :).
Click here to see Noah's program from two years ago. Oh my, how the time flies!
Leah and Ryan getting ready to start the program. I'm so glad that they get to experience preschool together!!
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Kate ~ 8 Months finally sitting up! We were all SO excited when she finally started to sit up, especially Kate! It's so nice to sit her down and let her actually sit and play with a toy. Whenever I would lay her on her back, she would just sob. I was seriously jumping up and down when she could sit unassisted...yay! so, SO sensitive! I have never had a baby that cried a lot, or really even a little. Noah, Leah, and Isaac were all pretty good babies and didn't cry too least not often enough for me to remember! Well, Kate cries...a LOT! It kind of drives me nutty sometimes, but I'm getting used to it. She definitely knows what she likes and she will NOT stop crying until she gets her way! Sometimes I think that she'll eventually stop, but she doesn't. Most of the time, her cry is more like a whine, which I guess is a little better. It's just her way to say "pick me up"!
...loves to be held...all.of.the.time! She always wants to be in my arms. Needless to say, my left arm is pretty strong from totting her around :). finally starting to eat solid foods. We had a rough time with her for a while because whenever we gave her cereal {oatmeal, rice}, she would throw it up. After talking to the doc, he said to just give her the fruits and veggies sans cereal. She is doing a lot better now. They don't know if she is allergic to the grains or not, but for now we're just not going to have them in her diet. She is getting what she really needs from me, so at least we know she's healthy :). a binky baby! None of the others liked binkies, but Kate sure loves hers! I actually don't mind, because sometimes when she's crying, it's the only thing that will calm her down...aside from me holding her! I'm all over it. still a tiny little thing. She has been very sick the past few weeks, so I took her to the doc and she weighed 14 lbs 8 oz! What?!?!? The doc attributed it to her being sick and not having a big appetite, which makes sense. Hopefully she starts gaining more soon. not a huge fan of playing with her toys...but she loves to play with the tags on her toys! Go figure! the most wonderful little sleeper! She still takes two way long naps every day, and sleeps 12 hours at night! Love it!
...has really long hair...on the sides :). We were able to put her hair in little piggies this month...SO CUTE! a HUGE snuggler, and I LOVE it! I could snuggle with that girl all day. Makes my heart melt every time she puts her head on my chest :).
We definitely can't imagine our lives without our sweet baby Kate! We love you little the moon and back!!
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Santa ~ 2012
The kiddos have been waiting, for what seems like forever, to go and see Santa. Well, tonight was the night that we fulfilled that request :). Now, I totally expected that at least one of the kids would freak out to see the big guy, but, to my amazement, they *all* sat on Santa's lap, all with a big smile on their faces! Woot, woot! I really love this tradition at Christmas, as do my kids! They were thrilled as can be to finally put in their request for what they wanted for Christmas...
Noah wants a Double Light Saber and a Lego Set!
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