Gardner Village and a Halloween/Birthday Party
Yesterday we went to Gardner Village with Doug's family. I love all of the little shops there and it is so much fun to walk around, especially at Halloween when there are witches roaming the paths. I especially enjoyed the Carmeled Apple from the candy store :).
Here is a family picture and a picture of the cousins.
Afterwards, we all went to Andrea's house for a Halloween Party and to celebrate Karin's Birthday. I think the best part of the party was when Steffanie, Doug's sister, showed us her Halloween costume. She is Mrs. Incredible to go along with her little boy Jacob. How cute is this?!?! Here is a cute picture that I took of Connor. He is getting so big!
Good food, good company, what more could you ask for? It was a wonderful day :).
Party on you ANIMALS.... Angie are up to making some bags for me - well not directly for me unless you can make a manly one. do let me know. Have a great halloween- BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the family photo! It could just be the angle, but it looks like you are showing a little bit. Don't hate me if I am wrong!
You guys were there on Saturday? I was there on saturday too. I wish I saw you guys that would have been great!
We love Gardner Village, in fact we just got back. I love all of your pictures, you have a darling family!
-Hill Family
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