Sunday, May 18, 2008

Outdoor Adventures

The weather was too nice yesterday to stay home, so we decided to go on a family outing up Provo Canyon.

First stop ~ Bridal Veil Falls. Noah was very nervous of the river beneath the falls, and I told Doug that he should be nervous because it is so dangerous! Smart kid. He had us hold him the entire time due to this fear. Aside from the river, he thoroughly enjoyed watching the waterfall. It isn't as strong as it once was, but it was still fun to see. I love seeing these discoveries through Noah's eyes. It’s like seeing a waterfall for the first amazement!
Second stop ~ Sundance. It was so beautiful up at Sundance yesterday! The weather was warm and there was a perfect breeze that made the temperature just right. We walked up a few trails and watched the fish in the pond. We had to head home earlier then expected because I forgot the sunscreen for Noah and he was getting red fast! It honestly didn't even occur to me to bring sunscreen...I guess I didn't realize how nice the weather was going to be.

Doug and I are going to be taking the kids outdoors a lot this summer, so stay tuned for our fun outdoor adventures.

Oh...there are no pictures of Leah because she was an angel and slept the entire time. So here is a picture of her from last night for your viewing pleasure :).


suzi said...

What a great adventure!!!!
I also love that Leah has more hair than Doug!!!! She's a cutie. XOXOX

Brent and Ashley said...

How fun! It makes me homesick! Esp. seeing all the green! Your kids get cuter everyday.
p.s. I ordered the fabric! I'll let you know when it comes! They're pretty good about getting orders mailed off fast! And I want lots of pictures of the cute bag you make.

Julie said...

What a great day! I am as grateful as you for this warm weather!