Leah ~ 5 Months
Yes, our pretty little princess is 5 months old today! So much has happened this past month...
~ She weighs 13 lbs 4 oz {50th percentile} and is 26 inches long {95th percentile+}. These stats are actually from Leah's 4 month appointment.
~ She LOVES to cuddle with her Mommy and Daddy, and we love it too!
~ She loves to look and laugh at herself in the mirror...I don't blame her...she's dang cute!
~ She has really found her voice this month. She is constantly talking, or maybe screaming is a better way to put it. She is SO DANG LOUD! See the video below to see what I am talking about!
~ She has just discovered her feet and she loves to lay on her back and suck on her toes...too funny :)!
~ She loves to stand up whenever you are sitting down and holding her. She rarely will just sit on your lap...she pushes down on her legs and and stands right up. She's a strong little thing!
~ She wants to be held all of the time. So, Leah is in my arms all day long while I am playing with Noah, preparing meals, cleaning the house, getting ready for the day, etc, etc... The moment that I put her down she starts to cry, but she's fine the moment that I pick her up. She knows what she wants, and what she wants is to be close to her Mama, or anyone who will hold her! The only toy that she will play with for longer then five minutes is her Jumperoo...thank goodness for that toy!
~ She is very stubborn, just like her brother. For example, she will not take a bottle willingly. She will fight it and fight it and not give in. The only time that she has ever taken a bottle is when I wasn't around and she didn't have any other option...we're working on it:). It kind of makes me feel special that she chooses me over a bottle though :).
~ She loves to laugh and she has a great sense of humor! I especially love it when she laughs at Noah when he is throwing a tantrum. It makes him stop his obnoxious little fit faster when he realizes that it is so amuzing to Leah. Once he sees her laughing, he goes right over to her and gives her a hug and a kiss...so sweet :). At least we found something that stops those dang 2 year old tantrums...thanks Leah!
~ She is rolling everywhere! Back to front...front to back. I am amazed at how fast she got a hang of rolling around...she's a smart one :).
~ She started to sit up this past month. She still needs a little support, but she is getting better every day at using her own strength to hold herself up.
~ She is such a happy little girl, and we are so happy to call her ours!
Here are some pictures from this past month for your viewing pleasure :).
she does look tall. ha ha, the screaming video is funny!
What a doll-look at those eyes, they just pop! And what a beautiful smile!
That was a good laugh
So darn cute! I can't believe how cute she is. We sure miss you guys! I'm glad we have this way to check up on you and make sure you're staying out of trouble.
Take care!
connor is a squealer too and has been since he discovered his lungs. i thought it would stop but it doesn't and he screams when he is happy too but now that he is older also screams when he wants something. screaming and throwing things are his favorite things to do lol. i can't believe she is already 5 months old. wow that went by fast. as fast as summer went lol. i love the picture of her where it says pucker up so cute!
She is growing up so gosh darn fast. What a beautiful Granddaughter I have!!!!!
She is growing up sooo fast. What a cutie. Just amazing, but I am not biased!!!
She is getting bigger every day! I loved all of the photos and video!
Connor loves that clip. He keeps asking for "more". We've watched it 5 times now. Hysterical.
When I watched the video of Leah, Dylan was on my lap and he thought it was hilarious! And it is!!! I love that she stops Noah in the middle of tantrums. That is awesome! I wonder if I will be that lucky? Probably not....
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