New Moon ~ Trailer #1
The first trailer for New Moon came out tonight! Oh...I think that this movie is going to be a good one. I just had to share the love with my fellow Twilight fans :).
The first trailer for New Moon came out tonight! Oh...I think that this movie is going to be a good one. I just had to share the love with my fellow Twilight fans :).
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Noah was an easy teether. He drooled {a lot!}, but that was it. He never cried or fussed due to his teeth.
Well...Leah's teeth are making her miserable! She has had five teeth for five months. When those teeth came in, she was just quiet and didn't open her mouth at all until her teeth came in. Once they were in, she was back to her happy, giggly little self. WELL, the past month has been a nightmare...for her AND me {and Doug and Noah too!}. She cries, and cries, and whines, and screams {my poor ears}, and cries some more...because of those dang teeth! If you look in her mouth, which is not something I do often because it just sets her off, you can see three teeth on the verge of coming through. BUT they have been like that forever....why oh why, for my own sanity, will they not just burst through and put us all out of our misery! I just feel so badly for this little girl...she is so uncomfortable. Oh, and nothing works to ease the pain, which is just delightful! I hope and pray that they come through soon...I want my happy, smiley, giggly little girl back.
Man, oh man, I just want to take the pain away so that I don't have to look at this sad face. It breaks my heart. She chews her fingers like mad!
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Leah's favorite thing to play with lately is Noah's hat. She will roam around the house wearing it a good portion of the day. She won't wear the hat that we have for her, that fits her, but she has no problem wearing Noah's. I guess you always want what's not yours.
This video is just too cute not to share. You can get a little glimpse of Leah's baby talk {which is getting to be pretty constant, and oh so cute!}....and Leah saying "Hi". Very cute.
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I don't know if I'm ready for this...
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Oh, the joy of letting your baby feed herself spaghetti for the first time. Yes, it was very messy, but it was sooo.... good! Just look at that face!
See here and here for Noah's first experiences with spaghetti. Oh the memories :).
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