Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jump Around

We went to Kanagroo Zoo was Leah's first time. Noah was so excited the moment we walked in the door, although he wouldn't go off and play until I was with him. He definitely likes to keep me close when we are in crowded places. Thank goodness my mom came to spend the day so that she could stay with Leah. I love taking them to places like this, but it's so hard to stay with both of them when they both want to be in different places. Noah had so much fun running around and he went non-stop until we left. Noah even took Leah on a few little slides, but he also insisted that I come along too. This picture is of me taking Leah down her first slide...she obviously enjoyed it :).


Kris said...

It was a fun time!!

Sue said...

What a cutie! Glad you guys had fun. Thanks again for all your sweet messages. You are so SO wonderful!!