Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Yesterday was my wonderful Mom's birthday! We all went over to celebrate, and celebrate we did! Noah LOVES birthdays and insisted that we make sure that there were hats and party horns...thankfully my mom had some put away, so crisis averted! We had a yummy dinner, opened gifts, and had our traditional cupcakes for dessert {YUM!}.

We love you, Mom, and we hope that you had a wonderful Birthday!!!

Good picture, Mom! We gave her this glass figurine to add to her collection.
At least Noah was cooperative in getting a picture with Grandma...I'm not surprised that Leah is trying to get down.
Don't those look too pretty to eat?!?! They are the BEST! Yum!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Big Girl

Leah has been showing an interest in going potty on the *real* potty for about 2 weeks now. The first time that I sat her on the potty, she went! I was beyond amazed, and my reaction made her so excited. I gave her some treats and kept jumping up and down and clapping my hands...I'm sure that it was quite a sight to see, but I was SO excited! Now, Noah was a breeze when it came to potty training, and I didn't think that my luck could be that good and that she would be just as easy, but maybe she will be that easy to potty train. Whenever we are home, she tells me when she has to go by grabbing herself {the obvious} and then dragging me with her to the bathroom. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't. But, when we are at home, she almost rarely goes potty in her diaper. So, today I went and got her some BIG GIRL UNDIES! She picked out the Elmo ones {she *loves* Elmo!} and she was oh so very excited when I put them on her at home. She walked around for about 2 hours with them on and she just kept looking at them and smiling. It was really cute! We'll see how long this lasts...I'm not going to push her, but if she's ready to be a big girl and go on the potty, who am I to hold her back, right? I would be one happy Mommy if she was potty trained by the time this baby comes along...REALLY happy :)! cute are little kids when they wear undies for the first time?!?!? So, so cute! You can bet that I keep pinching that cute little bum :).

Sunday, February 21, 2010

23 Months

In ONE month, this precious little gem is going to be 2! I really can't believe how much she has grown this past really is amazing to me!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fun Outside

The sun was shining through all of our windows this morning, so we all got ready and headed over to the park. Noah was thrilled to ride his bike over there, and even more thrilled to go down the slide over and over again! Leah also had a blast playing and going down the slide. We spent about 45 minutes playing, and when I said that it was time to go home for lunch they teamed up and protested with all their might. Of course I let them stay a bit longer, but when we actually did have to go, it wasn't a pretty sight. These two really enjoy being outside and they made sure that I knew that this afternoon! We really can't wait for spring to get here!

Leah going down the slide...over, and over, and over again! The thrill never stops :).
She was SO happy to get out of the house! I love that cute!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Baby #3 is a...

We went to the doctor yesterday for the ultrasound for the baby. Noah has been a little confused about the whole concept that there is a baby in Mommy's belly, which is totally understandable since he is only 3, so we thought we would take him with us so that he could actually see the baby and experience this appointment with mom and dad. He was so good the entire time and was pretty amazed that the doctor could allow him to actually see the baby.

When we went in to this appointment, it pretty much didn't cross my mind to what we were having. I just wanted to make sure that the baby was healthy and that it was growing properly. After the doctor looked at everything, we were told that the baby is completely healthy and that everything is where it should be :).

So, what are we having?? It looks like I'm going to be pulling out all of Noah's baby stuff, because we're having a boy! We are so excited! Noah is thrilled that he is going to be able to share all of his baby clothes with the baby, and even more excited that he is going to be able to teach his little brother how to play ball, and trucks, and pretty much everything that involves boys. He keeps talking about "When the baby comes...", which is making me even more anxious to actually meet this little guy! Only 4 more months to go and I'm sure that the time will go by so fast!

Baby's Profile
Baby Boys cute little feet :).
It's definitely a BOY! Very, very exciting!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Yesterday was my Dad's 60th Birthday! I love thinking back on all of the fun memories that I have with him...there are so many! He is really one of the funnest and coolest people and I'm so glad that I was able to grow up with him as my Dad! We have always had so much fun together, and I look forward to the many more fun years to come! I love you Daddy! You're the best!!!!

We had a little party with my Dad's side of the family, and I'll post those pictures once I get them :).

Playing Outside

It was another nice day today! I hope that they keep coming and that the days get warmer and warmer...I can only hope :). The kids are craving the outdoors and we can't help but pull our bikes out and ride around. It does get a bit chilly after about 10 minutes, but the 10 minutes that we are outside are the happiest of our day :).

And just a side you see all those scratches on Noah's face? They are from Leah...his one year old sister! They were playing and having a grand ol' time the other night, and she got him good right on the side of his face. And the thing is, is that I had just clipped her nails...those things are bad weapons that none of us can escape. I have a few scratches from her too! Anyway, the poor little guy has all these scratches that are taking forever to heal...I'm sure he'll get a new set once these ones are gone!

The Tent

I bought this tent for the kids at IKEA {love that store!}, and I must say that it is one of the best $10 purchases that I have made in a long time! Why do they need toys when they can play in this tent ALL DAY LONG? I really should have bought this thing months ago! And that smile hasn't come off of Noah's face since I set it up...really.

All Fall Down!

I love watching the bond that Noah and Leah share with one another. It is amazing for Doug and I to see how much they truly love one another and to see the fun that they have with one another. Oh, the fun...the giggles...the laughs that are shared between these two! The other night they were playing Ring around the Rosey over and over and over the point where they both fell down and couldn't get up because they were too dizzy AND they were laughing too hard to do so! It was a sight to see :).

Grandparents are the BEST

I really can not put into words how much Noah and Leah LOVE their grandparents! They absolutely adore all of their grandparents, and when we go over to any of their houses, Doug and I are almost non-existant to them...their focus turns right to their grandma and grandpa when they are around! I am SO thankful that they are close to each and every one of them and that they are able to share that special bond with them!

I was able to snap this picture of Noah and my mom when we were outside playing last week. So sweet!


I have yet to give Leah a haircut, but recently I have realized that something needs to be done with her hair to make it look a little more clean cut. She has such fine and delicate hair, unlike Noah who has incredibly thick and beautiful hair {lucky boy!}. The hair in the front has been completely uneven, and as much as I didn't want to cut bangs, I decided that I had to. Her hair was driving her, and I, insane, so I got the scissors and trimmed them up a bit. They actually look pretty cute on her...not that I didn't think they would :).

These pictures are from last week when it was actually nice enough to go outside {without jackets!} and play. Oh spring...where are you? I'm waiting for you :).

Thursday, February 4, 2010

20 Weeks

Today marks the 20th week of my pregnancy. I'm half way there, but it seems like I have so much farther to go, and in reality, I do. We find out in one week what we are having, and I think that once I know if it is a boy or a girl, things will become more real. I am starting to show...I actually *look* pregnant. It's amazing how your body just gives in by the 3rd baby...I didn't start showing at all with Noah and Leah until was was 23 weeks pregnant! I'm also feeling a bit uncomfortable already, so to think that I have 20 more weeks to deal with the *joys* of pregnancy doesn't thrill me. But, I am looking at the bright side and I know that it is all worth it...all of it! The aches, the pains, the endless trips to the bathroom, the cravings, really is worth it :). To just think of what we are getting out of this blows my mind. I am beyond excited to meet this little bundle of joy, and to think that it will be here in a little over four months is just crazy. We're so excited!

I'm also so incredibly excited to see how Noah and Leah interact with this new addition to our family. Noah is still a little confused by it all, although he is finally coming to terms with what is happening. I'm sure that Leah will be thrilled to have a baby of her own...she's already a little mommy herself :). It will be interesting how she is around this new one.

I started to feel the baby move for the first time about three weeks ago, and now those little flutters are becoming a more constant occurrence. This past Monday night, I could feel it kicking from the outside, so I had Noah come over and feel it, and he did! As soon as he felt it he looked at me and said "WOW"! So cute!

Check back next Friday to see what we are having. What do you think we are having?? I really have no idea. Part of me feels it's a girl, but this pregnancy is much more similar to Noah, so another part of me feels it's a boy. I'm excited to find out :).