Temple Square ~ 2010
I love going to see the lights at Temple Square. Our trip there is usually very quick, but it is SO worth it! We picked Doug up from work last night and headed straight over so that we could see everything before it got *too* cold. The children were all bundled up and I *think* that they had a fun time. Noah asked to go inside a few times because he was cold, but that's to be expected. I hope that we can keep this tradition alive in our family and go to see the lights every year! My precious boys...man, oh man, I love them :).
Us. I love the forced smiles from Noah and Leah. I'm not surprised!
Leah loved sitting in the stroller all bundled up. She was so, so good when we first started walking around...and then...it happened...THE TANTRUM that came out of nowhere! Leah suddenly decided that she didn't want her coat on, yet she said that she was cold, yet she wouldn't put her coat on...ya...I don't get it either! Then she didn't want to be in the stroller, then she did, then she didn't, etc... Thankfully this all happened when we were leaving! Needless to say, it took us *forever* to get to the car. Seriously, girl, you're really good at adding a little spice to everything :).
So, SO, beautiful!!
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