Isaac ~ 8 Months
This has not been the best month for Isaac. He has pretty much been under the weather the entire month due to being sick and getting two teeth. It has worn me out too...I'm beginning to think that sick kids is just as hard on Mommy as it is on the kiddos. Needless to say, I'm a bit tired. AND...just when I thought that Isaac was getting better, he started to get sick again this past weekend. Breaks my heart! But, on top of being sick, he is still such a happy little guy. Yes, he has his moments when all he want is for us to hold him, but I love those moments because I know that they don't last long. Here are some actual *highlights* from this past month:
~ He has two cute little teeth. I just LOVE when he smiles and grins so that we can see them!
~ He is growing like a weed. He is such a long little boy, but he's way skinny...just like his bro and sis. It looks like I have another stringbean on my hands...good thing I'm good at finding clothes and altering them for the kiddos :).
~ He is on the move! He is everywhere and into everything! He doesn't stop or slow down when he is on the ground. He is the fastest little crawler...I think that he is moving around a lot faster than Noah and Leah were at his age. We definitely can't leave him alone anymore.
~ He is SO determined to get what he wants. AND, if he doesn't get his way, he'll let you know how he feels about it.
~ He is finally a good little sleeper. I am VERY thankful for that!
~ He's our little snuggle-bug. He absolutely loves to be held and cuddled. It's the best!
~ Now...he's a good sleeper once he goes to sleep, but getting him to sleep is another story. Since he likes to cuddle, he *won't* go to bed in his crib by himself. He will *only* go to sleep if he is held until he falls asleep. He's so spoiled!
~ He absolutely loves to eat solids now...especially peas! He LOVES them! When we're feeding him, and he wants more, he starts to kick his legs like crazy. It's so dang funny. This goes back to his determination to get what he wants ;).
~ Leah thinks that she is Isaac's second mommy and says that he's her baby. She is constantly trying to hold him, and he absolutely hates it when she does this. I know that she does this all out of love...but she's two...
~ He went through a phase this past month where he was sucking his finger constantly. He doesn't do it as often anymore, but it was pretty cute when he was doing it.
We can't imagine our family without him. He's a little treasure and we can't get enough of him :). Now...I just need to figure out a way to make time stop because I am just LOVING having a little baby around the house! I better enjoy every minute, because I'm well aware of how fast the time goes by. Bright green pea lips!
Sucking on his little finger. Love that look!
He chews on everything...his favorite is to chew on Noah's trains. Noah doesn't think it's very funny.
Isaac always has something in his hand. He loves these little rings and usually crawls around with one in each hand.
Making a mess.
Tolerating his sister.
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