Happy Birthday, Isaac!
This year has been so great...Isaac has been such a wonderful addition to our family and we love him so much!
We definitely had reason to celebrate Isaac's birthday, so we made a weekend of it. We started off by celebrating with our family at our house.
I love my happy little guy...his smile is contagious!
Opening gifts with Isaac was fun. At first, he wasn't that interested, but as soon as he started to recognize that he was opening toys, he was all for it and very interested.
Isaac LOVES phones, and he recognized what this gift was the moment that he opened it. Thank you Aunt Annie, Uncle John, and Connor for the Elmo phone...it has been a big hit around here :).Noah and Leah gave him his very own sippy cups...he was thrilled :).He had fun showing off his walking skills. He is *SO* close to walking! I really think that he could walk if he really wanted to, but he won't let go and go for it. It'll happen soon enough.Then the time came for Isaac's cake. At first he was a little hesitant and didn't really know what to do......and then he went for it and put his hands in the cake, but he didn't like it one bit. He's a pretty clean little guy, so I'm sure he didn't like having all that cake on his hands. BUT, then he started to enjoy it. I knew that he would...it just took some time.YUM! It really was a good cake :).Check out that smile...he was so happy to be so messy! Love it!The next day was Isaac's actual birthday. We started our day off by going to the Strawberry Day's Parade...something tha we do every year. I wasn't able to go last year because I was in the hospital with Isaac! I was glad that we were able to go this year...
Noah was such a good big brother and would pick Leah up so that se could see the Princesses! She waved at all of them as they passed...it was so cute to see. The best was when Noah would see them coming and would let Leah know. I love how he's looking out for his little sis.Chillin' with Daddy.Check out all the snow in the mountains! It was such a nice day, but we are always reminded of how cold this past winter really was. Later that day, we headed to the zoo, which was so much fun. When we went to the zoo last year, it was the day before Isaac was born. It was our last family outing as a family of four. It was fun going this year and having Isaac with us!
The boys and the giraffes. Isaac was in awe by the giraffes and just stared and them and squealed with excitement. He was not a fan of the stroller on this outing. He wanted to be held the entire time so that he could see everything.We take a picture in this exact place every year. I love looking back on them.We couldn't leave without going on the train!
Our family on Isaac's birthday.
Happy FIRST Birthday, Isaac!
We love you to the moon and back!
And then we all celebrated his birthday again at Grandma Meeka's house. Pizza and cupcakes..yum yum yum!!!!
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