Kate ~ 3 Months
I blinked and this precious angel turned 3 months old! Man, oh man, I can't get enough of Kate! This month Kate...
...has started smiling and giggling so much! We seriously can't get enough of this happy girl and hearing that happiness warms my heart every time!...has found her hands and can't stop looking at them. Whenever she's sitting by herself, she'll just find her hands and stare at them in awe. Sometimes she starts laughing at them, which is just hilarious!
...does NOT like to be alone. If I lay her down for a minute, she'll be alright if I'm close by, but the moment she can't see me she starts to sob. SO SAD! I've learned my lesson and I don't leave her alone anymore cause that cry just breaks my heart. That said...
...loves to snuggle and be held. She definitely prefers to be in our arms and she totally gets her way. It's an easy solution cause I love holding her :)....is doing SO much better in the car. We moved Leah so she sits by her now, and I think that's what did it. She knows and loves having her sissy around, that's for sure!
...is still a great sleeper. She takes great naps and sleeps good at night. She has her moments when she will wake up around 4 in the morning and will NOT go back to sleep! Ugh! Not fun for me, but it's hard to get irritated when she's so happy and giggling.
...still has tons of dark hair! I kind of expected it to fall out, but it hasn't at all. I still get strangers saying "look at that hair!". Gets me every time!
...has blue eyes! Yay! Hope they stay that way!...is gradually starting to like being on her belly. Noah, Leah, and Isaac all liked being on their tummies when they were this age, but Kate doesn't. She is a belly sleeper, and she's good with that, but she doesn't really enjoy it when she's awake. I've been putting her on her belly more during the day so she can get stronger in her back. Baby steps :).
...is so, SO, loved by each one of us. Doug and I secretly love when the big littles go to bed so we can have some quality time with Kate {which is hard to come by in this house!}. We can't get enough!
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