Leah's in Preschool
I finally come to terms with Noah being gone to first grade...then Leah decides it's time for preschool! The nerve ;).
Leah has been looking forward to preschool since Noah was in preschool! Seriously! The girl has been waiting for this day for a loooong time. And just cause I love looking back on pictures, check out these pics of Noah on his first day of preschool two years ago...
That was two years ago...TWO YEARS AGO! Boy, oh boy, has that kid grown. He went from a little boy to a big boy in one blink! Crazy talk. But check out this picture...Leah was set on going to school with Noah, and, as you can see, he wasn't impressed by that idea! Today she got her turn...
My darling little four year old princess got her wish, and boy was she excited! Last night we had a big party to celebrate her going to school, which was so much fun! As soon as she woke up this morning, she ate her breakfast and promptly got ready for her big day. Then, of course, we had to take some pictures outside :).
I have never really had a problem leaving Leah with people, and this was no exception. I knew that she would go willingly. She was grinning from ear to ear when we walked in the door. She somewhat familiar with her school, so she let go of my hand the minute we walked in, hung up her backpack, and found a seat on the table next to her cousin, Ryan! How lucky are they to go to preschool together! Lucky ducks!
She gave me a kiss and hug before I left, then I headed home with the two littles. I totally didn't think I'd get emotional, but I totally did! As soon as we walked in the door at home, I got a little teary eyed. Not because she's gone...because she's growing up so fast. Our little Leah is such a mature little girl and she is growing up way too fast for my liking. I guess I cried because it made me happy that she adjusts so well to being away from me, yet I'm not ready for any of that. Oh well...she's growing up, whether I like it or not. So, ya, I guess I did cry a little because she was gone too ;). I think I've comed to terms with the fact that I'll always be a little emotional on the first day of school...and that's OK ;).
After putting Kate down for a nap, playing with Isaac, getting ready...it was time to go get Leah! I guess I had forgotten how fast 2 1/2 hours goes by! I was so happy to see my girl when Miss Tanya opened the gate......and even more happy to have her run towards me! That girl makes me so happy...I mean, who wouldn't be happy with that sweet thing running at you :).
She had a WONDERFUL time and was so excited to tell me everything, including all the kids names! This girl has a crazy good memory!
It makes me feel SO good that Miss Tanya is teaching Leah this year. She's AMAZING! I know that Leah will learn so much from her, and I'm so thankful for that!
I'm also so thankful that Leah gets to go with Ryan! I know that these two will have a fabulous time this year...and then it's off to kindergarten! Yikes!
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