Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leah's Quilt

I love handmade quilts! I have received a number of quilts from my family growing up, and they have meant so much to me. When I was pregnant with Noah, I received about six handmade quilts and they have been the best blankets for my kids. There is one blanket in particular that is a favorite to Noah and I am sure that he will have memories of this blanket as he grows older, as I am sure that it is not going anywhere any time soon!

Leah never received any quilts specifically for her, so I took it upon myself to make one. My sister-in-law received a beautiful quilt for her little boy and I fell in love with its design as soon as I saw it. Of course, I changed the colors and made a very girly version for my sweet little Leah. It was a very simple quilt to make, but it did take a lot of work to create it. I just finished hand stitching the binding yesterday, so I thought that I would share it with you.

I also made the bumper for Leah's crib. I knew exactly what I wanted, but I couldn't find it anywhere. After looking high and low for the fabric, I finally found it on eBay {go figure! You really can find anything on eBay!}. I just need to finish the curtains and her room will be complete. Here's her quilt and portion of her bumper {not the best picture, sorry}.

Close up of the quilt. I think she likes it too.


Kathryn said...

Angie, that is incredible! Way to go! I was going to try and make a quilt for the baby, but I DO NOT at I just gave up. Maybe I'll pay you to make one for him?...and bumper pads? I'll make it worth your while!...?

Grandma said...

The quilt is beautiful!! you might think of starting an"IN HOME BUSINESS" make money and stay at home with your little ones!!!! and when you get rich-we sill be able to "WE KNEW HER WHEN"

Sue said...

Wonderful! Yay for sowing! Great job. I love how you did it, it's so cute! Thank you for your sweet comment, it means the world to me and you are amazing.

Maria said...

I love it! You are so talented! I don't even know how to sew on a button, true story!!

Jessica said...

The quilt is so cute! Do you have a pattern or directions on how to make it? I would love to make one like it!

Josh said...

I love the picture of Leah and the blanket. Awesome picture!

Julie said...

Super Duper Cute!!! Great job Angie!