Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tubby Time...with TWO

I was a little nervous at first to how Leah would react in the tub with Noah, as she tends to get a little nervous when he starts acting like a two year old {you know...waving his arms everywhere and throwing toys that usually land inches away from her head}, but all was well. Apparently, I had nothing to worry about, as Noah was so kind and didn't do anything that would make me, or Leah, nervous...thank you Noah!

Noah had the best pruned feet tonight...I tried to get a picture, but they depruned pretty fast! Ha!
Instead of storytime tonight, we had singing time. Leah even sang a was sweet :).


Kris said...

The top pic is priceless!!! That look on Leah's face is just amazing!!!

Rachel said...

I love it when they get old enough to take baths together. I know what you mean about throwing things in the tub. These two are so cute! I love the pictures of them singing.

Julie said...

I would be nervous too. 2 year old little boys are crazy!