Thursday, October 3, 2013

{ lately... }

There has been a lot going on around here lately.  Here are some pics from the past month...

Leah started dance the week that school started.  She is LOVING it so much and looks forward to going every week. I'm already looking forward to her recital in December :).
Love hanging out with these cuties every day...but I miss Noah like crazy when he's at school!  And, meet our new puppy, Spot!
Isaac has preschool in the morning twice per week, which means I get to hang out with just these cuties.  We sure have fun together :).
Love this boy and all his cute freckles :).
Doug had a golf tournament with his buddies from him MBA program.  There was a dinner that evening that I went to, which was so fun!  I even won something in the raffle...winner winner chicken dinner!
We are obsessed with melty beads around here.  My kids will spend *hours* playing with them.  So fun!
My favorite time of day...all of my kiddos home with me :).
This little gal was so sick one weekend...not fun at all!  Although I did enjoy cuddling with her all day long...that doesn't happen often.
Kate is obsessed with this car and insists on riding in it whenever we are outside. 
Noah lost another tooth!  That makes four teeth lost...and loads more to go!  And this poor boy is definitely bound for braces, thanks to Doug and I.  Oh boy!
Kate is my blanket and bottle baby...
Kate is also tall enough to reach the door knobs...too bad she can't open them ;).  
Isaac is a good sport...seriously, how many little brothers will dress up in Snow White for their big sis?!
Kate's a screamer, just like her big sis!  And, yes, she is *that* loud!
Kate *loves* to read books and her absolutely favorite is looking at books with animals.  She knows the sounds of most animals, which is so adorable to watch.  Love it!
And, here's one for the books.  Doug is THE pickiest eater ever!  I am pretty nice and make most meals to cater to him, but sometimes we all wants something else!  Noah and I absolutely love spinach and mozzarella Doug was just thrilled as can be when he came home to see what was for dinner!   And, yes, he is like my fifth child and I made him eat it.  And he did!  But he looked like *this* the entire time!  Here he is with one more bite left!  Ha!  
And this boy...I just love him to pieces.  Even though he has been giving me a run for the money lately...
Noah's soccer team played against his cousin's team, which was so fun!  They were so excited to play against each other, and it was pretty fun to watch too.  Cute boys!
We don't get naps on Sunday, due to the fact that we have church at 1:00...not my favorite!  Isaac is known to fall asleep at some point after church...sometimes it's at dinner, or in the car, or just on the couch.  I think it's so cute to see him all curled up in dreamland :).
Leah is obsessed with all things arts and crafts, so, naturally, Isaac is too...since he does whatever she does lately ;).  He absolutely loves coloring and concentrates so hard on staying in the lines.  Very cute to watch.  
He also loves to use scissors...and I don't mind as long as the kid is being supervised!  He took it upon himself to cut two wholes in one of my favorite shirts...stinker!  
And we are still enjoying dressing up in our UTAH attire whenever there is a game!  Go UTES!!!