Thursday, August 27, 2009

Baby Stroller

At our house we have TONS of toys geared towards boys, for obvious reasons, and I haven't been very motivated to buy any girly toys for Leah because she is very content playing with what we have. And this is fine by me, but she is a little girl, and playing with girly toys is my cup of tea. I don't mind playing with trucks, and trains...but playing with barbies, and dollies, and having tea parties is what I know best, and I wanted to introduce Leah to the playing world that I know. SO, we bought her a baby stroller for her little dollie, but she finds it more fun to BE the dollie and have Noah push her around, or just sit in it and look pretty. I knew that she was going to break the stroller, as it is not made for a toddler to sit in, and it did {notice how the liner isn't completely intact}, but this doesn't stop her from wanting to sit in it. She will push it over to the back window, sit in it, and just stare outside for what seems forever {5 minutes seems like forever when it comes to a toddler that doesn't want to sit still}. I'm so glad that this is her new favorite toy...horray for girly toys :).


Rowley's said...

Carlee does this same thing! She hasn't broken it just yet, but I'm wait for that to happen any day. But when I put her in a real stroller... she want out so she can walk!

Grandma said...

She is such a Beautiful child and seems to be pretty creative in her "playing" choices. How do you get such wonderful pics of your kids? I want to hug them both when I see these pictures!!!!!glitymi

Julie said...

Oh my gosh! I can so relate! I think Irelyn has maybe 3 or 4 girly toys. We have so many toys from Dylan that I just can't see a reason to go buy more just because they are pink!