Thursday, April 25, 2013

Happy Birthday, Kate!

Birthday #3 of the month...Kate turned ONE!

It really happened, and I can't believe it.  It was a bittersweet milestone...mostly for me.  This past year has gone by faster than I could have ever imagined.  Kate has added so much to our family and we all just love her SO much.  It's amazing the impact that one little baby has had on us...she really is amazing.  

We started Kate's birthday weekend by having a party with our family to celebrate our precious girl.  I really can't put into words how grateful I am for such an amazing family.  Especially when they have come together THREE times this month to celebrate my kiddos...I sure do love all of them. 

I took these pics of Doug and I with Kate before everyone showed up...
We had a hot fudge sundae bar and cupcakes at her little party.  We definitely love treats around here, so it was fitting.  After eating, we opened her presents, and she got some darling clothes and fun toys.  Thanks, again, to everyone for the sweet gifts.  She'll definitely put everything to good use :).

Then it was time for cake!  Kate LOVES sweets...yep, I've introduced her to sugar and she's in love.  She wanted that cake the moment she saw it.  I honestly had no doubt that she would devour her smash cake, and I was right.  She loved it!. 

I especially like Isaac trying to blow out her candle!
First taste...
And then she just went to town...
She even shared! :)
And then she was *full* and in a little sugar-coma the rest of the night.
The damage...
Kate's actual birthday was the following day, and we honestly had a very laid back day.  Here's our little gal after she woke up...what a cutie!
We decided to have a BBQ as a family, and then we, of course, had more sweets!  Kate was screaming to get her hand on the cupcake.  Oh boy...she's a girl after my own heart.
Then she opened the one gift from us, because, lets be honest, she did not need any more toys.
So, instead she got her very own pillow pet!  Ok...the kids were all very insistent that she have her own, since they all have one and she loves them!  She'll go and cuddle up on them all the time.  And, I must admit, that it's pretty dang cute when we watch a movie and they all go and grab their own to lay down more sharing, no more arguing.  I guess it was worth it ;).

Needless to say, we had a great weekend celebrating our little gal.  She adds so much sugar and spice to our family, and we love it all!  Happy FIRST Birthday, baby.  We love you!!!