Kate ~ 4 Months
Sweet Baby Kate turned 4 months old on the 20th. Her little personality is really starting to come out, and we *love* it! Kate...
...is getting more chunky every day. At her 4 month appointment, she weighed in at 13 lbs 10 oz and 25.5" long.
...absolutely *loves* her hands. They are constantly clinched together and she is always looking at and chewing on them.
...drools like crazy! She's a faucet, just like Noah was when he was a little babe.
...still has blue eyes! There are some days when they look like they are changing to green, but only sometimes ;)....finally likes her carseat. She'll let us know when she wants to get out, but at least she doesn't cry the moment that I put her in. Thank goodness for this cause driving with a crying baby is pretty close to torture for this mama.
...is a fabulous little sleeper. I think she is current going through a growth spurt, as she has been taking 2 2-4 hour naps each day AND sleeping through the night!
...has the best little belly laugh! We can't get enough of it around here. She especially loves it when we squeeze her chunky little thighs.
...has a big brother that is her little protector! Noah is so in love with Kate and it is so, SO cute to watch him talk baby talk with her. Melts my heart every time!...is finally starting to like tummy time. She also is starting to grab at toys and chew on anything she gets her hands on.
...is getting stronger each and every day and is finally able to support herself in her bouncer. She has a love/hate relationship with that thing...sometimes she can't stop laughing and smiling while she's in it, and other times she screams from the moment I start to put her in.
...is a huge fan of being naked and getting in the tubby. She loves it whenever I change her diaper, and she gets SO excited the moment I start to take her clothes off. If she hears the bath running, she starts to kick her legs and screetching at the top of her lungs...she LOVES it!
...is SO happy when she first wakes up! I love all my time with this girl, but the mornings are especially great!
...is becoming a mommy and daddy's girl. We don't mind ;).
...loves all cuddles from her brothers and sister. She has pretty much been cuddled and snuggled her whole life...she doesn't know any better ;)....is so stinkin' cute and I seriously can not get enough of this little girl. Just like her siblings, she has stolen my heart. I am full with happiness whenever she is around!
We love you little one...even more than last month ;).
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