Noah's Toof-less
August 6th was a pretty exciting day around here.
About a month ago, we went to the dentist and they showed us that one of Noah's teeth was wiggling. It was so hard to notice because it was just barely loose. Noah has been waiting for this day to finally come...he been coming to us all of the time asking if he had a loose tooth, and now he had one! Over the past month, Noah was been wiggling the tooth constantly. He kept asking when was it finally going to fall out and if it was going to hurt. I told him that it probably wouldn't hurt, but that it would bleed a little and then just feel weird. Noah didn't like the bleeding part and started to get worried about it actually coming out. It finally got so loose that it was literally just hanging on. He wouldn't let me touch it, but one day I convinced him to let me check it out. I literally touched it and it fell out! He didn't even realize that it had come out! He walked away and said, "Wait...where's my tooth?!?!?". I couldn't help but laugh, and then he just smiled and was relieved that it was all done! He was even more excited that the Tooth Fairy was going to come and give home money! Win win! And I was excited that I didn't have to listen to him ask me when his tooth was going to fall out!
That night, we made a little pouch for Noah to put his tooth for the Tooth Fairy. The things that I do for my first kid...I sure hope I can carry on this tradition with Kate too :).
I didn't get a picture of what he got, but he was thrilled! That smart little fairy gave Noah a $2 bill, that was rolled up and tied with dental floss, and four quarters. He was grinning from ear to ear that morning! Oh, the joy of being a kid!
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