Saturday, August 25, 2012

Our Week...

Instagram has become my new favorite app. Love taking random pics of the kiddos during my days. Each pic tells a story our my life...I love looking back on them and remembering these precious moments!

Getting the most of the last weeks of summer...running through the sprinklers is definitely a normal thing for us to do around here on a daily basis.
My very first school lunch. I'm sure the novelty of making lunch will wear off soon...but for now I'm having fun :).
Noah at his first soccer game today.
That little smile is contagious!
Baby Kate went ahead and turned FOUR months old this week!
Leah hijacks Noah's bed all the time. I think it's funny...Noah doesn't! Ha!
My darling neighbor made Kate a blanket! Kate likes it...a lot. So do I!
Leah's officially bored when Noah's at school. I've had to resort to the iPad to make her happy. Whatever works.
Baby Kate and I at the neighborhood BBQ!
The local fire department came to spray all the kiddos at the was a blast for Leah. She was our only kid to participate. Noah didn't want to get wet {??} and Isaac was a little freaked out.