Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fun in the Tub

Leah loves taking a bath...loves it! The minute that we start getting her undressed to get in the tub, she starts to freak out by kicking her legs and laughing! The moment that you put her in the water she immediately starts splashing water everywhere, and this is accompanied by her cute little giggle. I am beginning to think that she has diaper explosions on purpose, just so that she can take a bath {she has been having a lot of these lately!}. Here are some pictures of Leah during her daytime bath today...

Close up...check out those eyes! Yes, I think that they are going to be brown.
Splish, splash!


Jessica said...

She is just the sweetest little girl! All the pictures of her are just so cute! My kids love the water too, Evan's new thing is to dump the water out of the tub, not so fun :)

Brent and Ashley said...

Her little face is adorable! thank goodness for the tub! It's been my lifesaver when kids are grumpy! Happy Halloween! Hope you guys have a fun day :)

Julie said...

I love tub pictures. Too cute!