Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Peeled Apple!

I did it! Noah and I love apples...peeled apples, that is! I have never peeled an apple all the way, until today! I was actually really proud of myself because whenever I peel the apple it breaks right when I think to myself "Is this going to be the day that the peel doesn't break?". As soon as I was done, I showed my accomplishment to Noah and he started to jump up and down and said "Yay, mommy!". I am glad that he was just as happy as me. It's the little things in life that make it fun :).
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Kris Fowler said...

quite an accomplishment!!!!!

Steffanie Garces said...

Whenever I peel apples like that I always think of the movie Sleepless in Seattle because of the scene where Meg Ryan is sitting at the table peeling an apple! I wonder how long she had to practice! Good job!

Jennifer Brailsford said...

Looks like fun. I am sure Noah was captivated with the peeling process.