Sunday, May 5, 2013

California ~ Day 2

Our first day at Disneyland!  We have all been waiting for this day for a *very* long time.  The kids were so, SO, excited, and Doug and I were too!  Seeing the magic on our kids faces made everything worth it!  

First stop...Cars Land!  Of course, we had to go there first :).  The first thing we did was get a fast pass for the new ride, and it's a good thing we did because the pass was for 8:00 that evening!  We enjoyed going on the other rides there and just taking it all in.  Kate was a trooper and took a good nap and had fun chilling with me while the other kids went on the rides.  
After Cars Land, we spent the rest of the day roaming around California Adventure.  Kate went on her first carousel ride, which she loved.  
And the Toy Story ride is always a big hit :).
I seriously was drooling over all the beautiful flowers!  I took so many pretty.
Leah was thrilled that she was big enough to go on most of the rides on this trip.  She was grinning from ear to ear...
Isaac absolutely LOVED Cars Land, so we went back mid-day.  It was definitely a hit with all the kiddos...they did such a great job making it feel like the real thing!  I was impressed!
Cute kids!
The time *finally* came to go on the big ride in Cars Land.  You can't really see Leah, but she was holding on to Doug for dear life ;).  We all LOVED it!