Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day ~ 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!
In my opinion, this holiday is just a great excuse to eat a LOT of treats! And, being 30 weeks pregnant and all, I took total advantage of this and ate way TOO many treats! I totally don't regret it one bit ;).

We started off by making sugar cookies and decorating them the night before. I found a really good sugar cookie recipe on PINTEREST that claimed to be "The Best Sugar Cookie"...and it really was the best one that I have found so far. They were great! I also made the frosting and it was delicious! And I wasn't the only one who thought so...we all gobbled up most of the cookies that we decorated that night. They were YUMMY!
As you can see, Leah was more interested in eating the icing than decorating her cookie. Typical!

Noah was more focused on making little sugar cookie masterpieces :).And Isaac had a grand time eating his cookie and getting it all over his cute little face :). This pictures really doesn't do the mess justice.I made our traditional Heart Pancakes for breakfast on Valentine's Day morning. They were a hit...even Isaac and Leah, my non-eaters, gobbled them up! I guess I need to make food look more *cute* for them to want to try it :)!
These are the SUPER HERO Valentines that Noah made to give to his classmates. I found this idea on Pinterest as well...seriously, I am in LOVE with that site! Noah was SO excited to go to school and have his V-day party! He knew that he was going to come home with tons of treats, which, of course, is exciting for any kid :). When I picked him up, he was grinning from ear to was a good day at school! He couldn't wait to come home and show me all of his goods. He even shared with Leah...what a good brother!I made a yummy dinner for us that night, and then I gave the kids, and Doug, a little treat from me. Of course it was something sweet and loved by all of us...cupcakes! There is the cutest little cupcake shop by us, so I got each of my lovies a sweet treat from me. Noah ate his up so fast that I didn't get a picture of him, but here's Leah and Isaac enjoying their cupcakes. And here is my attempt at getting a picture of the kids together. This task is getting more and MORE harder...especially when there is a 1 1/2 year old involved! Isaac was actually crying here, but I got him to laugh with a silly little puppet :). I'll never quit trying :).AND, my sweetheart knows the way to my heart is through chocolate...oh my, I LOVE chocolate so much! Especially Dove Dark Chocolate! He gets me my very own bag every year...and, YES, that is all that is left! I think I've eaten half of the bag...he gave it to me last night! This is not a good thing...I have absolutely no self restraint when there is chocolate in the house! I'm sure that it will ALL be gone within the next two days! In fact, I know it will, and I don't feel bad about it ;).


Kris said...

Happy Valentines Day to my Sweet and Beautiful family!!! Looks like everyone enjoyed the day!!!

Julie said...

What a fun day!
Mmmm, I love Dove chocolate too. I have a bag in the cupboard that is only mine!