Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had dinner at my parent's house this year and it was sooo... yummy! Thank you mom for making such a wonderful Turkey Dinner! We decided to make Noah his own little plate of food and let him feed himself. It was a little messy, but he thoroughly enjoyed being in complete control.

"I'm a big boy and I can do this all by myself!"

Here's Noah pulling a cute grin! He's so funny! Doug and my dad putting a computer together after dinner. What a good way to burn off those calories!
Here is a side shot of me after Turkey Dinner. It is kind of a bad angle, but you can see that our little girl is really starting to grow. I am only 22 weeks along and I am showing so much more then I was when I was pregnant with Noah at this time! Crazy!


Cujo said...

Looks like Turkey Day was great. Imagine Doug and Sam sitting down to watch football instead of workiong on computors...........NOT........... - It would never happen...... OK the big game this weekend, are you two going to attend the annual slug feast.??

Karin said...

Did Noah like his Turkey dinner? He may have been in control but he may not have like the corn, stuffing and turkey.. Even if your mom made it... Too funny.

Kris said...

We all had a great time. Noah ate almost everything on his plate and Grandma made it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julie said...

How fun! Thanksgiving is the best!!!

cherilyn said...

i love that grin. so cute. his hair is looking lighter!