Monday, November 26, 2007

I Love My UTES!!!

Despite a very sad loss to that team down south on Saturday, I think that this season was great!! I was skeptical at first, but the Utes pulled through and we had a lot of really great games!! I will ALWAYS love my Utes and will root for them through thick and thin! Thanks for a great, and fun, football season.

Here is a picture of Doug and I at the last home game. I am so excited for the last home game next year, against that team down south, when we KICK some serious booty! Bring it on!


Kris said...

I love your UTES too!

Zach said...

Oh, to live in such a delusional happy place! ;)

Brent and Ashley said...

Angie, I don't know if I can be your friend anymore.
Go BYU!!!
Okay, I'll still be your friend. But only because BYU won!