Friday, January 29, 2010


I have wanted to learn to knit for some time, so once I saw this class, by Kelly McCaleb, I immediately signed up. I love to sew, but sometimes a get a little bored of it, so it is nice to learn something new to keep me busy in my *spare* time {like I have a lot of it! Ha!}. I really enjoyed the class and now I have a new hobby! I'm hoping that I can get good enough to make some cute beanies for the kids and booties for this little one on the way. I guess I just need to keep practicing :).

**FYI ~ For those who would want to learn how to knit, I would totally taking this class from Kelly when she offers it again! She was so incredibly helpful and it was amazing how fast everyone caught on. PLUS, it was so much fun!


Kris said...

Now you can teach me!!!!!

Susan said...

it looks fantastic!

Cher said...

good job!
i learned from my grandmas, and i like knitting and crocheting, but i never get around to it. i definitely need more practice too.

Karin said...

Hey, I don't knit, but being off work I have done some needlework... It has been enjoyable. Please knit me a hat?? Okay...

Halvorsen Family said...

Good for you. That's awesome that you're learning a new skill. It sounds like so much fun. Can't wait to see what you make!